Thursday, August 6, 2009

We got our house today....

Today we got possession of our first house and we are very excited to get in and make it our own. With Katie being 8.75 months pregnant, it means the task of sanding, cleaning, wallpaper removal, and painting is up to me. Luckily Kerri has offer to help out this weekend and I'm hoping to recruit some others as well.... any takers.

The house will take a bit of work to update, but on the whole we are really happy with our purchase. It's a great house and we are looking forward to all the little projects (that's again Katie talk for James' list of to do's).

Thank god Katie's parents are coming out to help us in a couple of weeks, we already have the hardwood and shingles ready ;-) just joking (sorta)

Click on image to see pics of the house:
Our New House !!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Crazy Weather in Vancouver

This has been a crazy summer in Vancouver in terms of weather. We're just getting over an extreme heat wave, where we broke records dating back to the 1800s. I think I jinxed us when I told everyone that I wasn't worried about being pregnant in August, because Vancouver NEVER really gets that hot...LOL.

But the silver lining to the crazy heat is that it resulted in a wild thunderstorm last weekend. You might be thinking "so what", but Vancouver only has a thunderstorm approximately once a decade. So this was a huge deal for me who LOVES thunderstorms and hasn't experienced one since we moved here almost 3 years ago. We had all the windows open, and we just sat back and enjoyed the show. James managed to get a few good shots of the lightning, and the incredible sunset afterwards.

Click on the image below to check out the photo gallery:
BC's Crazy Weather

Richmond Oval & Night Market

On Friday night James and I went to the Richmond Olympic Oval, which will be home to the long-track speed skating events during the 2010 winter olympics. James had his very rusty skates sharpened, and then timed himself on the track in hopes of matching the current world records :) He was quite sad when he realized that the world's best are twice as fast as he is.

At the Oval, we met up with our friend Andrew, and his buddies from the gym. Andrew was brave enough to rent speed skates, and really give the Oval a try. He did remarkably well.

Since I'm 8.5 months pregnant, I did not join in the skating festivities, but I had a lot of fun playing photographer/videographer.

Next we headed to the night market, which runs every Saturday throughout the summer. I had heard about the market before, but I had never bothered to go. But since we were already in Richmond on a Saturday night, we thought why not check it out; and we were very happy we did. It was just like the night markets that we've been to in various asian countries. With lots of great asian food stalls, a stage with performers (that we didn't understand, but enjoyed nonetheless), a Muay Thai Boxing ring, stalls selling every type of trinket imaginable, and a little midway with games. We enjoyed just meandering around the market sampling food, and taking in the atmosphere.

Click on the image below to go to the photo gallery:
Richmond Olympic Oval + Night Market

Baby Bump Update

We've been adding photos of my growing baby bump over the past few weeks. And just recently we met with a professional photographer to capture this time of the pregnancy. So we've added our favourite professional photos to the baby bump page too.

Also, James and I made a belly cast last weekend, which we will decorate after the baby is born. We've included one photo of the belly cast process. This project was a lot of fun, and I'm sure that the final product is a memento that we'll cherish for years to come.

Click on the image below to go to the photo gallery:

Baby Bump